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NAS Patuxent River Announces its Civilians of the Year for 2022

11 January 2023

From Patrick Gordon, NAS Patuxent River Public Affairs Officer

NAS Patuxent River announced its Civilians of the Year Dec. 15, 2022 marking the command’s top Civilians for 2022.
NAS Patuxent River announced its Civilians of the Year Dec. 15, 2022 marking the command’s top civilians for 2022.

“These Civilians through hard work and dedication have demonstrated their commitment to the Pax River team, and the Navy as a whole,” said Capt. Derrick Kingsley, NAS Patuxent River Commanding Officer. “Their selections for this honor reflect a spirit of excellence, and I am truly proud to have them on my team.”

The following Naval Air Station Patuxent River command civilians were honored for their accomplishments:

NAS Pax River Senior Civilian of the Year – Carrie-Ann Root, Director, Navy Recreation Center (NRC) Solomons
  • Root’s steadfast leadership of an expansive program for more than 300 Recreational Vehicles and campsites, 100 lodging units, an aquatics complex, and a variety of community recreation programs resulted in $700,00 in increased revenue, and a $50,000 reduction in expenses.
  • She provided quality leisure services to thousands of customers who spend their precious leisure time at NRC Solomons. She led a dedicated team of 80 staff performing maintenance, repair, reservations, check-in/check-out, housekeeping, recreational activities, and lifeguarding.
NAS Pax River Junior Civilian of the Year – Araf Al Ndee Al Apache, Emergency Management Assistant
  • Apache assisted in the planning and execution of the $126,000 Emergency Operations Center renovation project. He served as a crucial member of the Incident Management Team during Exercises Solid Curtain/Citadel Shield and Citadel Gale 2022, implementing Emergency Management Plan procedures to direct the simulated evacuation and relocation of 20,000 military and civilian members, the accountability and categorization of 1,400 Mission Essential Personnel and validated 34 tenant command Emergency Action Plans. 
  • He completed Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear First Receiver Operations Training and obtained certification as a Local Dispatch Center Dispatcher by Naval District Washington, and remediated two major hits for the Command Assessment of Readiness and Training by drafting a communication plan and rewriting the Continuity of Operations Plan.
NAS Pax River Supervisory Civilian of the Year – Col. Steven Schuyler, NAS Patuxent River Chief of Police
  • Schuyler managed and supervised 96 civilian Police Officers and Master-at-Arms personnel, expertly coalescing them into a single, melded force. His continuous efforts ensured the safety and security of over 20,000 patrons and guaranteed the efficient daily operation of 28 posts across three fence lines.
  • He expertly advised, integrated, and supervised the implementation of 63 new directives and standard operating procedures.  His attention to detail was pivotal during Exercise Solid Curtain/Citadel Shield 2022 as he expertly managed assigned personnel as well as an additional 58 Auxiliary Security Force personnel through increased Force Protection Conditions. His effective review and continued efforts for the Command Assessment of Readiness and Training led to a passing score and the foundation for Final Evolution Problem preparation.
NAS Pax River Group of the Year – Navy Security Force Operations, NAS Patuxent River
  • Pax River’s NSF Operations Department excelled in the performance of their duties in support of over 50 tenant commands and 20,000 patrons across three fence lines. While operating with a manning deficiency, they implemented increased Force Protection Conditions for Exercise Solid Curtain/Citadel Shield 2022. Their actions and observations resulted in improvements to Force Protection Condition implementation in preparation for future real-world applications.
  • Their efforts were demonstrated in their execution of daily Antiterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Physical Security events and a passing score during the Command Assessment of Readiness and Training. The NSF Operations Department’s exceptional efforts fulfilled annual requirements and permitted the installation to continue mission critical evolutions. Additionally, they coordinated training and operations between multiple tenant commands, two county agencies, one state agency, and two federal law enforcement organizations. Their ability to acquire, outfit, and maintain law enforcement vehicles served as an example for fellow installations in Naval District Washington.
These individuals and departments’ exceptional professionalism, unrelenting perseverance, and selfless devotion to duty reflected credit upon themselves and was in keeping with the highest traditions of the U.S. naval service.

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