Sustain the Naval Aviation Enterprise's combat edge over our adversaries.
Enable Mission Partner success by providing the finest base operating support and customer service in direct support of research, development, test, and evaluation missions.
Nestled in St. Mary’s County, Maryland, where the waters of the Patuxent River and Chesapeake Bay meet, sits Naval Air Station Patuxent River.
Approximately 90 miles from the Fleet in Norfolk, Virginia, and 65 miles south of the nation’s capital, the 14,500-acre complex includes the main station in Lexington Park, Webster Outlying Field in St. Inigoes, Navy Recreation Center Solomons in Calvert County, and Bloodsworth Island Range in the Chesapeake Bay.
Since its commissioning April 1, 1943, Naval Air Station (NAS) Patuxent River has evolved into the Center of Excellence for Naval Aviation. It’s also known as: Where the future of Naval aviation begins.
NAS Pax River was selected to host Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) and Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) headquarters, as well as 50 other tenant activities, during a round of Base Realignment and Closures (BRAC) in the mid-1990s; a move that brought more than 20,000 military and civilian employees to the air station.
With just 800 employees assigned to the host air station’s staff, the military and civilian “Pax Pros” work hard to ensure the continued security and safety of its tenants, while providing first-class services to all employees.