Navy Exchanges
There is a Navy Exchange and uniform shop located on the Washington Navy Yard in Building 184, as well as a small NEX Express in Building W-22.
Other exchanges in the National Capitol Region include: Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, NSA Bethesda, NSA Annapolis, NSF Arlington, NSF Dahlgren, NAS Patuxent River, and NSF Indian Head.
Army and Air Force Exchange Service Facilities are located at Joint Base Andrews Naval Air Facility, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, Joint Base Myers-Henderson Hall and Fort Belvoir. A Marine Corps Exchange is located at Joint Base Myers-Henderson Hall.
Commissaries in the metro area include: Joint Base Andrews Naval Air Facility, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, NSF Dahlgren, Fort Belvoir, Fort Detrick, Fort Meade, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, NAS Patuxent River, Quantico MCB and NSA Bethesda.
Additional information on commissaries is available at the Defense Commissary Agency's website.