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Traffic and Parking Policies

NSAW Traffic Code
The Naval Support Activity Washington Traffic Code, NSAWINST 5560.1E, provides for traffic safety and enforcement guidelines and procedures at NSAW. It is a comprehensive rewrite of all previous NSAW traffic policy and regulation and should be reviewed in its entirety.

Please download the NSAW Traffic Code below to learn more about traffic and parking regulations in NSAW.

NSAWINST 5560.1E NSAW Traffic Code

Parking on the Washington Navy Yard
All personally owned vehicles driven on to the Washington Navy Yard by personnel must be registered with the command and have a valid parking placard in order to gain access to the base between 12:01 a.m . and 10 a.m., Monday through Friday. To register a vehicle and obtain a POV parking placard, visit the Washington Navy Yard Visitor Control Center in Building 126 inside of the O Street gate.

Visitors driving a POV on to the installation must obtain a visitor parking placard from the WNY Visitor Control Center and park in the visitor parking lot next to Building 166 just inside the O Street gate. For more information, please call or visit the WNY Visitor Control Center at (202) 433-3738/3017, open Monday 5:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Retirees and dependents who are not otherwise eligible to park on the Navy Yard will be able to apply for a blue placard which will allow regular access to the Visitor Parking Lot prior to 10 a.m. This was done to allow retirees and dependents the opportunity to make frequent trips to Medical/NEX/NFCU and the gym without forcing them to obtain a visitor's pass everyday. These placards will be renewable every three years. NOTE: Parking in visitor spaces will have a 2-hour time limit. Any WNY visitor seeking to remain aboard WNY beyond the 2-hour limit will be required to obtain a day pass from the Visitor Control Center which will allow parking in a white space for a 24-hour period (or longer, if the visitor is on TAD orders or base support contract). As a reminder, anyone arriving aboard the Navy Yard after 3 p.m. will be allowed to park in any available White, Blue, or Yellow space for the evening, with or without a placard.


Carpool parking is available at the Washington Navy Yard. The spaces are marked yellow and available specifically to carpool vehicles, denoted by a yellow parking placard, Monday through Friday until 9:30 a.m., after which time they are open to other placarded vehicles as well.

A carpool placard requires a minimum of three employees. All members must be employed full time and must physically work on an NSAW installation fenceline. Members of a carpool can register and receive a yellow carpool placard at the WNY Visitor Control Center.

Mass Transportation Benefit Program
Per Department of Defense Instruction 1000.27, the DoD provides mass transportation benefits to offset commuting costs to its active duty military members and employees, including non-appropriated fund employees, to the extent authorized by law and regulation. To this end, subsidies exist to offset the cost of using mass transit for qualified personnel. These commuters can join the DoD National Capitol Region Mass Transportation Benefit Program, which provides individuals with a subsidy of up to $325 a month for mass transit commuting. Visit the National Capitol Region Mass Transportation Benefit Program website for more information on who qualifies and how to apply.

Personnel who use MTBP benefits are not eligible for a regular parking placard at the Washington Navy Yard. However, those who use MTBP benefits are allowed five temporary parking placards a month, obtained from the WNY Visitor Control Center. Personnel who already have a placard must return it to the Visitor Control Center upon activation of MTBP benefits.

Washington Navy Yard - L'Enfant Metro Shuttle
The Washington Navy Yard - L'Enfant Metro Shuttle service is provided for WNY personnel traveling between the L'Enfant Metro station and the Washington Navy Yard.

WNY - L'Enfant Metro Shuttle schedule and stops

Shuttle Schedule
Shuttle service begins at 5:40 a.m. until 10:05 a.m. for the morning commute and again at 2:40 p.m. until 7:05 p.m. in the afternoon, Monday - Friday, with the exception of National holidays. Commuters can expect shuttles during the peak hours of 6:30 a.m. - 9:05 a.m. and  3:30 p.m. - 6:05 p.m.

Shuttle Stops

  • L'Enfant Metro stop is located on D Street SW, just west of 7th Street in front of HUD. Shuttle users should use the "L'Enfant Plaza" exit from the Metro.
  • Washington Navy Yard stops are located at the Humphreys Building (Bldg. 197) and the bus shelter west of Parking Garage 386 by the N Street gate.
  • Union Station and Anacostia Metro schedule is found (here).

Shuttle Weather Policy
In case of an OPM delayed arrival, the morning "peak" will be extended until 10:30 a.m. Likewise, in the case of an early dismissal, more frequent afternoon service will begin as soon as possible. Please be advised that safety considerations may cause delays. Shuttles will not operate if OPM closes federal offices in the National Capitol Region.

Traffic Policy Enforcement
Personnel and visitors who park on NSAW installations, including the Washington Navy Yard, are subject to towing and ticketing. Tickets carry a maximum fee of $50 and require recipients to appear in federal magistrate court. Tenants are encouraged to report any parking violation using the NSAW non-emergency police department number.


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Naval District Washington   |   1411 Parsons Ave SE Suite 200   |   Washington DC, 20374-5001
Official U.S. Navy Website