We are now on www.usajobs.gov, use key word: NDW. Please visit us there for all our current job listings!
Naval District Washington Jobs
Non-Appropriated Fund (NAF) Job Opportunities
We service all non-appropriated fund (NAF) employees who work for Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR), Navy Gateway Inns & Suites (NGIS) and Bachelor Housing (BH) throughout the Fleet and Family Readiness Program for the Naval District Washington (NDW) Region.
Unless otherwise restricted, positions are open to the general public. Eligible non-citizens may apply, provided they possess documents legally allowing them to work in the United States.
We accept applications for all announced positions. A separate application packet MUST be submitted for each position you wish to apply for. Visit www.usajobs.gov, use keyword: NDW.
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.
There are three (3) categories for which employees are hired:
Regular Full-time (35 - 40 hours per week), all benefits offered (medical, dental, life insurance, spouse & child(ren) life insurance, long term disability, retirement, and 401(k) savings plan).
Regular Part-time (20 - 34 hours per week), some benefits offered (medical / dental, life insurance, spouse & child(ren) life insurance, retirement and 401(k) savings plan).
Flexible (0 - 40 hours per week), no benefits offered.
If you are a male born after December 31, 1959 and at least 18 years of age, employment law (5 U.S.C 3328) requires that you register with the Selective Service System (Military Draft), unless you meet certain exemptions. If applicable, failure to register will prevent you from being considered for employment. To register, please visit the Selective Service Web Site at https://www.sss.gov/.
REQUIRED APPLICATION FORMS in addition to a complete resume are:
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.